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A New Light in the Heavens


Updated: Aug 30, 2024

Copyright by James Carlson


Creationism is based first and foremost on the Bible. The Bible tells us of the God of creation and how He desires a personal relationship with us. Also, creationism focuses on the God of creation via scientific discoveries. Empirical science is a means to an end where the principles of science are based upon the Laws of Nature. Combined, the God of the Bible is the God of creation; and science is a discovery of the principles upon which creation is based.

Consider that God is the same person in the Bible and in science. Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton both said that, ‘science is thinking God’s thoughts after him.’ The natural order has an order designed into it by God. The fact that natural phenomena is repeatable testifies to the orderliness or lawfulness of nature; and science should seek the order or the Laws of Nature as Kepler and Newton said. So, we should see an agreement between the Bible and science giving honor to the God of creation. So let’s turn to a short Bible study and see how it relates to science.

Genesis is the first book in the Bible sequentially whereas Job is the first book in the Bible chronologically. In Job 38:33 we find God asking Job:

33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst though set the dominion thereof in the earth?

God wanted Job to learn humility; afterwards he could renew his relationship with God and learn more about the world he lived in. So, what are the ordinances of heaven? They are the Laws of Nature that govern the ‘natural’ order in the heavens. What is science but the search for the laws that God put into nature to govern it with! Science comes from the Latin word ‘scientia’, which is Latin for ‘knowledge.’ Discovering the ordinances of heaven, is learning about the natural order, which is what ‘science’ is devoted to. God gives mankind His approval for scientific inquiry.

And what is the dominion thereof in the earth? Like ordinances, dominion is a legal term referring to the application of these laws on the earth. The laws of the heavens and the earth agree (one set of principles govern both natural orders above and below). And each domain has their bounds (jurisdiction) set by God. We can infer from this that these ordinances (scientific principles) have an application on earth that mankind did not know about then. ‘Applied science’ is the definition of ‘engineering’ and technology is the application of engineering. God gave us the Laws of Nature to discover and the application of those laws for us to use as technology. Engineering and technology are both sanctioned by God from the beginning! Not only did God create science (knowledge), he gave us the ability to discover science and technology.


The first few sentences in Genesis 1 are descriptive of 4 basic parameters of science: Time, Space, Matter, and Energy. From the first sentence in the Bible we get:

1.1 In the beginning [of time] God created the heaven and the earth [space and matter].

1.3 And God said, Let there be light and there was light [energy].

At the beginning, God created space, time, matter, and energy. These are the basic principles of science that modern scientists study.

But what happened in the beginning when God spoke light into the darkness? If we may be allowed to speculate (formulate a thesis), we could say that energy penetrated the darkness and possibly traveled faster than the speed of light as we know it today. As this energy penetrated the void it eventually slowed down.

Taking a lesson from particle physics, matter can be divided into smaller and smaller units eventually arriving at a threshold of energy. Matter can become energy and vice versa as neither can be created or destroyed by mankind. E = mc^2 and then by rearrangement, m = E/c^2.

The direction that particle physics takes in dividing matter down to units of energy can be reversed where we might expect matter to precipitate from energy as the speed of light that God spoke into the darkness slowed down to the level we know today. So, the energy that was in the beginning eventually led to the matter we know today, or so goes the present thesis.

This is very similar to, but not the same as, the ‘inflation’ theory that Guth suggested 40 years ago to explain the movement of galaxies in the heavens. His purpose was not to validate concepts of Biblical creationism but to help prop up an old idea of cosmic origins called the Big Bang. As the Big Bang has lost credibility(, a new explanation was provided. It is not difficult to search for other explanations to form a thesis of origins.

Galactic Self Propulsion

How do galaxies move? Very well I’m sure :) Seriously, do they move because the fabric of space is expanding or because there was a big explosion called the Big Bang? The movement of galaxies has been characterized as a result of outside forces acting upon them. Any system subject to its environment is called an open system but if the movement of galaxies were not the result of outside forces, it would be characterized as a closed system. I present a fresh perspective, a thesis, of Galactic Self Propulsion (GSP).

Galaxies move, it is agreed; this is accepted a priori. But do they move because philosophical science requires it to be influenced by outside forces? Or can some interplay of matter and energy internal to a galaxy cause it to move by itself? If modeled as a closed system, a galaxy that moves, moves itself; hence, GSP.

So modeling a galaxy as a closed system requires the interplay of matter and energy to provide a system of propulsion. This is incredible if true, given the fact that there are only two know types of actions leading to movement. One is demonstrated by putting one’s foot down to get a reaction force to move a body forward; and the other is to throw matter aft to get a reaction force to move forward. It is clear that a reaction force is essential to both. GSP is proposed as a third way of providing for movement (propulsion), which would likely include a reaction force.

So what exactly is the interplay of matter and energy to provide for a new means of propulsion? My thesis is simple enough to be characterized as Newton’s Laws of Motion with a slight twist.

The non-rigid behavior of a rigid body, which when subjected to a force field, produces a net internal force and its associated reaction force.

This then is the idea of non-rigid ‘billiard ball’ mechanics. Newton’s laws were for billiard balls that were completely solid or rigid and this thesis represents what happens when these rigid balls become non-rigid due to the influence of a force field upon them.


This, then, is a speculation in need of empirical validation. This is where all scientific theses start but many ideas end here. So, let’s take the next step and falsify the thesis. Let’s suggest that if galaxies propel themselves through space over time, then, by some interplay of matter and energy, the movement is caused by some unknown process that should have entropy associated with it. To my way of thinking, this would result in some random matter and energy left behind a galaxy in the wake of the galaxy. It might even appear to be a tail connected to a galaxy much like a tail on a kite.

So what might this tail look like? Again, to my way of thinking, it should have at least 5 characteristics:

1.     The tail (composite of matter) connected to a galaxy would be spatially located with the galaxy,

2.     The observed matter and energy left in the wake of a galaxy should not be at the edge of the universe but interstitial (in between the earth and the edge of the universe),

3.     This tail would be directional as it would indicate the past path of a galaxy,

4.     The matter in the tail would baryonic or ordinary matter, and

5.     The energy measured in the tail should be in the EM spectrum as heat (IR band, Microwave band, etc.).

So what follows next is an experiment. But since I do not have my own telescope with which to observe the heavens like Tycho Brahe (who used a large sextant), I must rely upon existing data taken from other scientific expeditions.

COBE is one such expedition into space on a mission to record the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). From COBE and subsequent missions, new discoveries of this background radiation has presented the concept of anisotropy. I know that 'isotropic' is unidirectional so 'anisotropic' suggests directionality. This helped me with my 3rd requirement noted above but I wasn't certain. So imagine my surprise that the information I was seeking was already available. In an article about cosmic inflation* I found this:

…it was shown that dust emission from the galaxy was the cause of the effect the BICEP2 team saw in the B-mode polarization of the CMB radiation.


Astrophysicists have measured the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and its small variations (anisotropies) but also they have found it is partially polarized.

[*Hartnett, J.G.; Did cosmic inflation really happen (; 11 September 2015.]

Eureka! So here we have dust (matter) trailing behind a galaxy just like I expected. This then provides evidence to validate my falsified thesis.

1)     The dust is spatially located with a galaxy,

2)     The dust is connected to a galaxy and not at the edge of the universe,

3)     The energy detected from this dust is in the EM band and polarized so it is directional.

4)     The matter in the tail is ordinary matter, and

5)     The energy measured is in the EM spectrum in the microwave band.

So this thesis now has a single point of validation based upon empirical data (the work in rendering the data is due to the effort of others).


Now what? Science always leads any application of technology as engineering is applied science leading to new tech. Before technology is to be applied, it has to be discovered in nature first. No technology was ever developed when there wasn’t a principle of science denoting a Law of Nature; it cannot happen. Tech follows science.

With this discovery, a new means of propulsion is suggested. How do galaxies actually move? This is still a question that needs to be answered with precision in more detail. But it is clear that when technology is being built, the science behind it not only discovered, it is being improved; the two have to agree. So, when looking for the application of a third mechanism of propulsion, it should relate to the actual means of propulsion that galaxies experience.

Loosely phrased, I am searching for the mechanism of Electro-Magnetic Propulsion (EMP). I believe this is a step in the right direction for discovering the application of science I have called GSP. Here then is another means of validation; science leading to tech is in turn validated by the tech it is based upon. If EMP is real, then is has to exist in nature first. So then, where can we observe EMP occurring in nature, as the thesis, partially validated suggests, it exists in GSP.

This is where this paper will end as I pursue this off the page on my own. But I will be looking for that interplay of matter and energy as described. I already have some ideas both for propulsion and energy production. It remains to be seen if the tech will follow the new discovery of science - a new light in the heavens.




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