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Rationalizations of the Left

Copyrighted by James R Carlson

The left wing of American politics and religion has a psychology of rationalizations that leads to the dismissal of many traditions and morals (conservative values) that provide society with stability. Although defended with zeal and vigor, the vanity of the left is that they have dismissed God’s truths with those they themselves have created. The result is a spread of lies and deceit that cause people to make decisions that lead to disaster for themselves and our nation.

This nation was founded upon the idea of the Patriot’s Dream, which is the Freedom to do what is Right. Rights and Responsibilities are what gave this nation it’s birth. The Declaration of Independence declares that God gave us our rights; it also declares that God taught us the value of what is right in the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. The Laws of Nature is natural revelation of moral truth in our conscience. The Laws of Nature’s God is special revelation or the Word of God – the Bible. It is from the conscience of a nation, to do what is right, that is aligned with Biblical truth that provides our nation a foundation for lasting support.

This passage from the Declaration of Independence, Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, is taken from the Bible itself. In Romans 2:11-15 we read:

11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;

13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.

14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:

15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)

When we do what we are supposed to do, our conscience is clean before God and we can live a life without condemnation. But when we do what is not right in the sight of God, our minds begin to churn out either self-condemnation or rationalizations to excuse what we did wrong (secular psychology is good at this).

Taking a page from the Bible to learn about our American history shows that we as a nation were destined from the beginning to meet a basic challenge. To either be led by those who would choose to do what is right and champion moral values or follow those who would find excuses to continue to do what is wrong in the eyes of God. Although we have 2 parties that control most of our politics, the simpler fact is that we will always be a nation divided between those who advocate moral truths and those who rationalize lies to dismiss moral values.

As an aside: the part of the Declaration that says we have the Right to the pursuit of happiness is misread by millions of people. John Locke was the author who wrote about the Rights of Life, Liberty, and Property. In his Treatise, he even spoke of the pursuit of economic happiness. And in Jefferson’s day the Virginia State Legislature spoke of the Pursuit of Estate. The Right expressed in the Declaration as Jefferson wrote it is the Pursuit of Economic Happiness. The freedom to transport oneself and their goods for their own economic advantage is what this means. The idea of a libertine pursuit of happiness is not found in the Declaration of Independence (contrary to what many may want to think). There is no right to do whatever you damn well please. We have the freedom to do what is right in the sight of God.

Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address identified the birth of the United States has having occurred in 1776. He wrote this speech in 1863 and said:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Doing some simple math, we can see that a score is 20 and four score is 4 x 20, which equals 80. The word ‘and’ in a sentence of mathematics is ‘add’ so four score and seven is (4 x 20) + 7 = 87. Noting the date of the speech (1863) we find Lincoln saying that 1863 – 87 = 1776. How young was our Republic then? A mere 87 years old. This nation was fighting for its life, and won! We are fighting a cultural civil war and we can win as Lincoln continued to say:

…that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom…

What is a New Birth but being Born Again?! This is a reference to the Christian experience of being Born Again in Jesus! This nation, the United States of America, can be born again by acknowledging our failure to follow the principles of God laid out in our conscience and the Word of God and commit our nation to the leadership of God as He has given us light. This then will give us as a nation a ‘new birth of freedom.’

Whereas the spiritual rebirth of Christians and the new birth of a nation are different things, we can see that the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence provide us with a foundation where liberty is the birthright of all Americans; recalling that this birthright is the freedom to do what is right in the sight of God.

Nowhere does the Bible or the Declaration of Independence say we have a freedom to do what is wrong. There is no reason to think we can excuse ourselves before God for our sins other than by humbling ourselves at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ. And there is nothing in the history of the laws of America that says we can legislate immorality! Those who advocate the freedom to do what is wrong are anarchists and they propagate their lies and deceit to others who are destroyed by it.

There are many who rationalize rebellion, who seek legitimacy for the illegitimate. There are those who think that we have Rights without responsibility. And still more there are people who make a religion out of dismissing God’s right standards of living via their vain rationalizations. The religious left has existed far longer than the religious right and have done far more damage to our nation that anything that the religious right has ever been accused of.

The false gospel of the left is a Christless Christianity. Love is elevated to the level of deity where it should only be a character attribute of God. Dismissing the person of God to worship one aspect of God’s character as God is technical false doctrine. God is Love but Love is not God. Watch for those who preach and teach a Christless Christianity and you’ll see them praising a love that excuses sin whereas Jesus (the person of God) died on the Cross to forgive sin; so we could walk without sin in our life.

The religious left makes excuses for sin and accommodates sin whereas God condemns sin and forgives us for our sin in the name of Jesus. The false gospel of Love often substitutes man’s compassion for people (making excuses for them) instead of God’s forgiving Love for people (which cleanses them from sin). God’s Love is convicting and leads one to repentance from sin to obedience to the Faith in Jesus. Man’s love often enables our sinful behavior in the name of expedience, which leads to our ultimate condemnation in sin.

Couple the false religion of the left with the secular philosophy of the left and you will find more examples of the left’s vain attempt to rationalize our sins away (excuses not forgiveness). The tired and twisted excuses made with a fervor or rational zeal is no excuse for doing what is wrong. While the left teaches that we cannot legislate morality (make people moral by laws), they also try and teach that we should legislate immorality. Again, we cannot legislate immorality as much as the left desires it. We must continue to respect the conscience of a nation and the principles laid out in the Bible for moral truths if we as a nation are to continue with the exercise of genuine liberty.

The rationalizations of the left are myriad (thousands). This is a root cause of our nation’s current dilemma with many issues we face. This is a dilemma that will face all American generations as the Declaration of Independence requires a respect of moral values for our freedoms to be of value. We cannot dismiss moral truths that are derived from the conscience, the Bible, or even from tradition (which the Bible may need to correct from time to time). Morals and Tradition define what is means to be a Conservative. Vain Rationalizations define what is means to be a Liberal in modern America. The psychology of the Left is damaging to us as a People and damming to those people who follow it.

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