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The Politics of Gender – A War of Words

Copyright by James R. Carlson

Enough is enough.

We learn in Genesis 1: 27:

27 So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

This is the Word of God. Gender is binary as God created us male and female. Enough said! But that isn’t enough for some who twist the meaning of words to make an argument seem reasonable.

Take the word ‘man’ for example. This word can have 2 genders (imagine that). It can be gendered neutral or masculine. That is to say, it can refer to men and women as in ‘mankind’ or it can refer a biological male. This is where the problem begins. The feminist movement, trying to establish gender equality, dismissed the equality we have as human beings. They did this to confuse the differences between men and women to make their political movement seem intelligible. But they failed to recognize that men and women have equality as human beings, hence the word ‘man’. Feminist took gender neutrality out of our pronouns while trying to establish gender equality; they are so confused.

As the feminist movement got its start in the 1960s, new uses of the English language began to appear. Instead of calling someone Miss or Misses (Miss or Mrs.), feminists declared for all women (whether they liked it or not) that they should no longer use these terms. They declared that Ms. should be used instead of Mrs. as it was in parity with the acronym of Mr (Mr or Ms). Changing the acronym from Mrs. to Ms. is still a hot button issue with many people in society and the workplace. And the violence that attends the misappropriation of Ms. when someone uses the normal version of Mrs. is evidence that the belligerence th atthe war of words that began more than 50 years ago is still going on today. Master/mister or miss/misses. These are old conventions used on both genders to describe the marital status of a person. No wonder the institution of marriage is besieged in this war of gender word confusion.

In studying the words people use it helps to use tools that show when certain words occurred in time. Google has a tool called Ngram Viewer that allows us to see when some words first came into use in the English language. The following graph shows the use of Ms. skyrocketing at about 1967.

Another term began to take root in the counter-culture movements of the 1960s – ‘homophobia’. From Ngram Viewer, we can see a graph of when ‘homophobia’ began to be used in printed form.

From this graph we can see that the word ’homophobia’ is an invented word that didn’t exist until the late 1960s and early 1970s. This is a phenomenon that began with the feminist movement that shifted to the homosexual community. Words are invented in order to promote a sex based political agenda.

So, what is ‘homophobia’ supposed to mean? The etymology of this word comes from the Greek words ‘homo’ meaning ‘same’ and ‘phobia’ meaning ‘fear’. Are we referring to the ‘same fear’ of homosexuals with the word ‘homophobia’? Of course not, it is a political ploy meant to convey the idea of an innate fear of being a homosexual because one is opposing homosexuality. And it is in reference to the repulsive nature that homosexuality represents to heterosexual people that they mislabel as fear. Of course, normal people will recoil with shock and surprise and repel the advances of sexual perverts. That is a normal reaction, not some indication of hidden dark desires. Here once again, a political community that seeks to change gender norms invents words that they may use to brow beat others into accepting their ‘way of life’ or get labeled a ‘homophobe.’

“Sexual Orientation” is another phrase that emerged in the mid-1960s. What is that supposed to mean? ‘Sex’ comes from the Latin ‘sextant’, which in English means, ‘gender’. There are only 2 genders, male and female. How does one orient to gender? Same sex relationships are normal when they are described as friendships but perversion of these relationships occurs when sexual activity is introduced, hence ‘homosexual’ activity. From the resources of Ngram Viewer, we see the graph of when this phrase began to emerge in the English language and literature.

Sexual orientation is an invention of language and is nothing more than a political tool used to promote a sex-based political agenda. Here again, gender (sex) confusion is a means to an end.

Continuing to find instances of how terms began to be changed or emerge to support gender confusion, we find a phrase that was novel in the modern era called, ‘gender gap’. Again, using the culture neutral tool of Ngram Viewer, we see the graph of when this phrase began to emerge in the English language and literature.

We can see from this graph that in the late 1970s, the use of ‘gender gap’ began to be used. Using terms that mean nothing, has no meaning in debates other than to ‘gas light’ people to accept a false narrative. There are only 2 genders, male and female. What is the ‘gap’? If it is meant to convey the financial gap between wage earners in the workplace, then call it a ‘wage gap’. The point here once again is that word confusion is used to engender support for some gender-based politics.

But in this pursuit of word confusion coming from the confusion of sex is another term that was used for hundreds of years before its meaning began to change.

The English word ‘gay’ used to mean light, happy, airy, and carefree. It was a word that was slowly going out of use but found a resurgence in the 1980s as it began to be used for people who are oppressed by their lifestyle of depravity – homosexuals. Homosexuals are anything but light, happy, airy, and carefree; they are emotionally tortured by their sin of homosexuality and sodomy and find their only refuge is from the enabling of people in society who will accept their perverted sexual orientation. The perverse use of a great word ‘gay’ is meant to change the characterization of a twisted, corrupt, and bankrupt lifestyle into one that appears to be light, happy, airy, and carefree. Alas, the word confusion continues with the confusion of gender roles in the lives of people. Homosexuals are called ‘gay’ but they are far from ‘gay’.

Other terms that were not in general use before the 1980s include “lesbian” and “cross dresser”. “Transvestite” and “bisexual” also exploded as terms used for gender politics in the 1980s. “Queer” became a word used more than ever in the 1990s. “Transgender” began to take off as a new word in the 1990s, whereas “metro sexual” became a new term in the early 2000s. And “LGBTQ” wasn’t even a phrase before the year 2000. Words have meaning and the politics of gender confuses terms, even inventing new terms, to pervert their meaning and promote the perverted political agenda.

Throughout all of the confusion about words used by political advocates of the 1960s sexual revolution and beyond is the denial of God’s Word. Unable to reconcile with God to the truth that sex is in itself God’s Creation, which we are to keep Holy according to His Word, the politics of gender confusion twists not only the words we use in our social communications, they twist the reality of sex and gender as established by the person of God himself.

At this point in the culture wars we need to simply present the truth and make clear the errors of those whose lifestyle choices endanger not only themselves but others; especially small children. We need to show genuine concern about the perverted manners that some employ in their makeup and presentation of self while not enabling them to do further damage to self and others.

Compassion doesn’t require we lose our sense of good judgement and focus on social moral truths. God loves us but God doesn’t enable us to practice sin; God forgives our sins and enables us to live according to His Righteousness. Ultimately, these people, apart from politics, need salvation that only Jesus can bring.

Pray to God:

Dear God, I’m a sinner as I have disobeyed your Word and your Truth. Your Word is your Truth. Please forgive me of my sin, which I freely admit I have done; please forgive me not based upon my good works but based upon the good work of Jesus on the Cross. Please forgive me of my sin in Jesus’ name. And enable me to live my life according to your Righteousness, not mine. And lead me by your Holy Spirit one day at a time. Thank you for your love for me. And thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who loved me enough to die for me. I thank you, now, my Heavenly Father. Amen!

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